I am working with the North Jersey Regional Chamber of Commerce. They are holding a Comedy Night on Wednesday, June 12th from 6 to 10 PM at The Royal Manor in Garfield.
I am involved with Community Hope of NJ 501C3 to help homeless veterans get back on their feet and cleanup their past, start a business and support veterans overseas. This charity will be the beneficiary of the event.
Ticket price is $60, but I am putting together tables of 10 at $55 per person. If you have a table of 10, register right on their website at www.NJRCC.org and pay $500 for a table of 10. I am using the extra $5 to offset other costs like prizes at the event.
Last year they had 200 people attend the event. That is why they moved it to Garfield for a bigger venue. The capacity is 300 with the ability to expand to 600.
There are sponsorship opportunities and you can donate prizes to be raffled off.
Step up to the plate to help veterans.
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